$588M Value of Token Unlocks Scheduled for Feb: 17 Projects Included

• 17 projects are scheduled to unlock a portion of their tokens throughout the month, which is estimated to be worth $588 million.
• The three largest unlocks of the month come from The Sandbox ($266 million), BitDao ($97 million) and Aptos ($75 million).
• Other projects releasing their tokens include 1inch, Moonbeam, ApeCoin, Tornado Cash, Galxe, NYM, X2Y2, SweatEconomy, dYdX and Euler.

17 Projects Scheduled to Unlock Tokens in February

17 projects will unlock a portion of their tokens throughout the month with an estimated value of around $588 million. Projects such as 1inch (1INCH), Moonbeam (GLMR), Aptos (APT), ApeCoin (APE), Tornado Cash (TORN) are among those that will be unlocking their tokens in February.

Three Largest Unlocks for the Month

The Sandbox’s (SAND) unlock on Feb 14th is expected to be the most valuable release of the month with 12.419% of its total supply being released which is equivalent to over 372 million SAND tokens valued at approximately $266 million. BitDao’s (BIT) unlock on Feb 15th follows closely with 187 million BIT tokens being released valued at $97 million. APT’s unlock on Feb 12th comes in third with 75$million worth of APT tokens being unlocked into circulation.

Other Upcoming Unlocks

1INCH will start off by releasing 64,286 tokens into circulation on February 1st valued at $32,566 while Galxe (GAL), NYM and X2Y2 follows shortly afterwards on 2nd ,3rd and 4th respectively with GAL releasing $436,538 worth of tokens; NYM releasing 23$million and X2Y2 releasing 5$million but also daily another 109 964 worth until it reaches its total amount . TORN will release 175 000 token valued just above 1$million on 6th followed by GLMR releasing 3 millions token valued at 1.3$million four days later . SweatEconomy’s(SWEAT )release starts 13 th following GLMR and 129 millions token valuing it at 1.9$million daily unlocking 97 116 until it reaches its total amount . Finally dYdX(DYDX) EAuler releases 19$millions and 496 792 respectively 14 th 15 th

ApeCoin Unlock

APE’s unlock is scheduled for Feb 17th and will release 42$million worth of APE tokens into circulation making it one of the many unlocks happening this upcoming February 2021 .
